Tuesday 10 May 2011

CPA Method

First of All this is not my own share. The credit of this share goes to AntonVS who already shared this in the White Hat Download Section as you can see here [GET] WSO [CPA BREAKER] guaranteed income with $0 down!?

I am sharing it again because this is a great method and I wanted to make sure that members can get access to this without having to download it.

As marketers it’s extremely easy to get tunnel vision
and not realize most people don’t think like us/have
the same information on marketing and monetizing
traffic online. The general idea is “Oh I know what
CPA marketing is, every other webmaster must too!”—
fortunately this is not the case.

There are still tons of website owners online who have
no idea how to make money with their site other than
with Google Adsense.

Here’s a good example: recently I pursued a cooking
related niche website that gets over 20k visitors a day.
They are monetizing with Google Adsense and judging
by my own experience with Adsense placements on
these kinds of sites I can almost guarantee they aren’t
making much (based on their ad placements, the lack
of advertisers who are bidding low on the ad
placements, etc.)

These types of situations are great and PERFECT for
this method you’re about to learn. In most cases the
person who owns the site started it as a hobby and it
wound up doing well—and they have no idea how to
earn money from it OR they started it to make money
but never thought they could earn more than $10 in
Adsense revenue a day from it.

This is where someone like you or myself come in.

The general idea is here to find a website, check their
traffic and demographics and then make them an
offer where we only pay them—IF we get paid. How do
we manage all that? It’s extremely easy.

First thing is first—you need to find a website and you
need to join a CPA network if you aren’t already on
one. In any report I publish regarding CPA I never
cover getting accepted into networks. Why..?

It’s been done too many times and honestly it’s pretty
easy to get accepted. For the sake of keeping this
simple I’ll assume you are already on SOME network.
Hydranetwork, CJ and Maxbounty are some big ones
but there are literally hundreds and more popping up
everyday—just make sure you’re on a solid network
with good payouts—those are the only qualifiers!

You can start by either choosing an offer (and finding
a site that fits the niche) or by picking a site (and
choosing an offer that fits the traffic there).

For beginners I’d recommend finding the site first but
for more experienced people it may be easier to find
an offer first THEN find a site that fits. To keep this
simple I’ll be assuming you want to find a site first
then choose your offer to promote afterward.

Step 1. – Finding a site to make money with.

The trick to this step is that there is no trick at all.
There are no tools to use, no keywords to type into
Google, no nothing…
It takes good old fashion research and patience to find
a good site to do this with but I ASSURE you it gets
easier and easier each time you do it. You get a nose
for it pretty darn fast.

The criteria for finding a site is extremely basic—find
a site that is established, is getting good traffic and
whose audience data can be gathered. The site I
recommend using to gauge traffic/audiences is
Home | Quantcast

It can be a blog, a forum, a standard website or
anything at all. You’re merely looking for a site that
gets traffic and isn’t monetizing it to the fullest (i.e.
Google Adsense ads on their pages in low-visibility

It’s a good idea to think about the types of people who
also may have these kinds of sites and might start
them up as hobbies—and not necessarily know how to
monetize them. i.e. cooking related sites, hobbies,
sports, fitness, etc.

Step 2. – Find an offer that fits your audience.

This is one of the easiest steps. All you need to do is
logon to whatever CPA network you’re on and find an
offer that would fit the demographic of your site.
If you have trouble with this you can contact your
affiliate manager on your network (most assign you
one) and ask them what offers they think would work
best with your demographic that you researched on

Here’s an example: let’s say I find a small
Christmas related site and want to find a suitable offer
that might do well with a banner placement on the top
of the site. A good offer might a PayDay Loan Offer at
$50.50 per action

This offer pays out high and people who are on a
Christmas site at that time of the year are more likely
to be interested in getting some extra cash for
shopping—targeted users = better conversions =
easier money.

Step 3. – Contact the website owner.

Here’s the “meat” of this method that makes it so
sweet. We are going to email the website owner and
tell them we can make them more money. The secret
here is to email them and tell them you are willing to
pay them on a CPA basis.

For the above example with the eHolidayCash offer
lets say I email a Christmas website owner and tell
them I will give them $20 for every person that signs
up for the offer through a banner placed on the top of
their site.

To the average webmaster who has never dealt with
CPA before this is a huge amount of cash and they’ll
be more than willing to try it out (more often than not
at least). If you pay them $20 per person you still
make a profit of $30.50 on each action.

You are GUARANTEED to make money with this
method—or the website owner doesn’t get paid either
and you assume NO risk and lose NO money.
Essentially you’re just re-brokering the offer to novice
website owners who wouldn’t even know how to
Google search for a CPA network let alone pick an
appropriate offer or get it profitable.

You make money, the website owner does all the work
(and earns money!) and it’s a win-win-win.

Step 4. – Pay them after you receive payment.

This is pretty straightforward. Pay the website owner
for their number of actions they got. Let’s say their
site didn’t do so well and conservatively only made 20
successful actions for the eHolidayCash offer.

20 x $50.50 = $1,010 (revenue)
20 x $20 = $400 (paid to website owner)
Profit = $610

Cut them a check, send them a Paypal payment or
wire them money—whatever you set up in your
agreement when you originally emailed them.
The website owner will be ecstatic about their $400
for a month’s “work” over their measly Adsense clicks
and you’ll pocket $610 by doing virtually nothing.

Tip 1: Keep trying the offer on the site on a month to
month or week to week basis. If it converts poorly or
does worse than the previous month consider
swapping out to a different offer. Especially true for
forums or where there are high user loyalty rates!

Tip 2: Agree to track clicks and actions through some
tracking software, i.e. Budurl.com, bit.ly or through
your own hosted tracking software. You can also
redirect a normal domain to a budurl.com to “clean”
the link up.

Step 5. – Scale to new sites.

Like I said before, once you’ve done this a few times
you start to easily sniff out new sites that are RIPE for
this type of thing. It happens pretty quickly.
Scale out to new sites within your niche where you
know the offers convert and also try out new niches to
diversify your income and minimize any risk (i.e.
protect against offers getting pulled, sites getting
Google slapped and losing their rankings—etc!)

You will also want to consider optimizing for higher
payouts with your network—or go to a different
network with a higher payout.

For example if you’re earning $50.50 with an
eHolidayCash offer you could ask your network for a
bump and see how high you can get it. Most networks
are open to this, if not try out a new network.
You can compare what networks have the best
payouts for offers at Affiliate Marketing - Find the Best Affiliate Program and CPA Offers from OfferVault

That’s it! Now you can start making money with no
cash investment, doing very little work and only
paying for traffic that has MADE you money already.
Good luck and enjoy the hands-free money!

Don't forget to hit Thanks if you Like this Method


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